Bikini Competition Prep Articles

Beyond the Barbell - Functional Training for Women Athletes in Action

Written by Tatiana Debique | Jul 17, 2023 3:30:37 PM

In today's fast-paced world, women athletes strive to excel not only in their respective sports but also in their daily lives. Functional training provides a holistic approach to fitness, focusing on movements that are essential for everyday activities. By incorporating functional training exercises into their workout routines, women athletes can enhance their performance in daily tasks while improving their overall fitness. This article will highlight the relevance of functional training for women athletes and feature exercises like squat-to-press, step-ups, farmer's carries, and kettlebell swings that are particularly beneficial. 

The Importance of Functional Training 

Functional training aims to enhance the body's ability to perform daily activities efficiently and safely. It emphasizes movements that mimic real-life tasks, such as lifting, carrying, pushing, and pulling. For women athletes, functional training offers numerous benefits, including: 

  1. Improved Overall Strength: Functional exercises engage multiple muscle groups, leading to improved strength throughout the body. 
  2. Enhanced Stability and Balance: Functional training exercises challenge the body's stability and balance, which are vital for performing daily activities with confidence and minimizing the risk of injuries. 
  3. Increased Flexibility and Mobility: By incorporating exercises that promote flexibility and mobility, functional training helps women athletes maintain a full range of motion necessary for their daily tasks. 
  4. Core Strength and Postural Alignment: Functional exercises require core activation, leading to improved core strength and proper postural alignment. 

Now, let's dive into some specific functional training exercises that can empower women athletes in their everyday lives. 

Squat-to-Press: Power and Coordination 

The squat-to-press exercise is a dynamic movement that engages multiple muscle groups, including the lower body, core, and shoulders. This exercise not only strengthens the lower body but also enhances coordination and stability. Here's how to perform a squat-to-press: 

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand at shoulder height. 
  2. Lower into a squat position, keeping your chest lifted and your weight in your heels. 
  3. As you rise from the squat, press the weights overhead, extending your arms fully. 
  4. Lower the weights back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions. 

Step-Ups: Leg Strength and Balance 

Step-ups are a fantastic exercise for building leg strength and improving balance, both of which are essential for everyday activities like climbing stairs or carrying heavy objects. Follow these steps to perform step-ups effectively: 

  1. Stand facing a sturdy step or bench. 
  2. Place one foot firmly on the step, ensuring that your entire foot is supported. 
  3. Press through your heel, engage your glutes, and lift your body onto the step, bringing your other foot up beside the first one. 
  4. Step back down with the same foot that you started with, returning to the starting position. 
  5. Repeat with the opposite leg and continue alternating for the desired number of repetitions. 

Farmer's Carries: Grip Strength and Core Stability 

Farmer's carries are a functional exercise that targets grip strength, core stability, and overall body strength. They simulate carrying heavy objects, such as grocery bags or luggage. Here's how to perform farmer's carries: 

  1. Stand with a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand, allowing your arms to hang naturally by your sides. 
  2. Engage your core and maintain an upright posture as you walk forward, taking small, controlled steps. 
  3. Keep your shoulders back and down and avoid leaning to either side. 
  4. Walk for a predetermined distance or time, focusing on maintaining a strong grip and stable core throughout the exercise. 

Kettlebell Swings: Power and Hip Mobility 

Kettlebell swings are a dynamic exercise that targets the posterior chain muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. They also improve hip mobility and explosive power. Here's how to perform kettlebell swings correctly: 

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with a kettlebell placed a few feet in front of you. 
  2. Hinge at the hips, slightly bend your knees, and grab the kettlebell with both hands, keeping your palms facing towards you. 
  3. Maintain a neutral spine as you swing the kettlebell back between your legs, then explosively thrust your hips forward, swinging the kettlebell up to chest level. 
  4. Control the descent of the kettlebell as it swings back between your legs and repeat for the desired number of repetitions. 

The Role of Functional Training in Everyday Life 

Functional training exercises not only benefit women athletes in their sports performance but also translate into significant improvements in daily activities. Here's how functional training can enhance everyday life for women athletes: 

  1. Lifting and Carrying: Functional exercises like squat-to-press and farmer's carries strengthen the muscles necessary for lifting and carrying heavy objects, making everyday tasks more manageable. 

  2. Stair Climbing: Step-ups improve leg strength and balance, making stair climbing easier and more efficient. 

  3. Posture and Spinal Health: Functional training exercises that engage the core and promote postural alignment contribute to better posture and spinal health, reducing the risk of discomfort and injury during daily activities. 

  4. Endurance and Energy: Regular functional training increases overall fitness levels, leading to improved endurance and energy levels throughout the day. 

  5. Injury Prevention: Functional training focuses on strengthening multiple muscle groups and enhancing stability and balance, reducing the risk of injuries during daily activities. 

  6. Confidence and Independence: By improving strength, mobility, and coordination, functional training empowers women athletes to move confidently and independently in their daily lives.

Functional training is a game-changer for women athletes seeking to improve their performance in daily activities. By incorporating exercises like squat-to-press, step-ups, farmer's carries, and kettlebell swings into their workout routines, women athletes can enhance their overall strength, stability, mobility, and coordination, leading to improved performance in everyday tasks. The functional movements learned in training directly translate to real-life situations, making functional training a valuable addition to any fitness regimen. 

So, whether it's lifting groceries, climbing stairs, or simply maintaining good posture, functional training equips women athletes with the strength, confidence, and resilience to excel in their daily lives. Embrace the power of functional training and experience the positive impact it can have on your performance in everyday activities.